This is the giveaway/prize promotion page for all the prizes being given away for readathon participants. At the end of this post, you will find details regarding how the prizes will be awarded at the conclusion of the readathon.
Note: The authors of the books donated would greatly appreciate a review, if you win, on your blog and/or social media and/or on Goodreads, Amazon. Thank you! (This is not required to win.)
Dying Days by Armand Rosamilia - Print copy (US only) One Winner
Sunny Florida, beautiful beaches, no traffic on A1A... Zombies roaming the dunes in search of the living... Darlene Bobich in a fight to survive, find food, safety and ammo for her Desert Eagle before its too late... the undead are coming to exterminate the human race...
Dying Days are upon us... The Undead Roam the Earth... Searching for the living in an apocalyptic wasteland
Now includes both "Darlene Bobich: Zombie Killer" and the first "Dying Days" zombie novellas in one release!
Armand Rosamilia is a New Jersey boy currently living in sunny Florida, where he writes when he's not sleeping. He's happily married to a woman who helps his career and is supportive, which is all he ever wanted in life...
He's written over 150 stories that are currently available, including horror, zombies, contemporary fiction, thrillers and more. His goal is to write a good story and not worry about genre labels.
He not only runs two successful podcasts...
Arm Cast Podcast - interviewing fellow authors as well as filmmakers, musicians, etc.
The Mando Method Podcast with co-host Chuck Buda - talking about writing and publishing
But he owns the network they're on, too! Project Entertainment Network
He also loves to talk in third person... because he's really that cool.
You can find him at for not only his latest releases but interviews and guest posts with other authors he likes!
Dying Days is available for purchase on Amazon.
Comfort Zone: A Tale of Suspense by Stephen Bentley - 3 eBooks and 1 print (all international) Four Winners
There’s a killer lurking in all of us. Sometimes you just don’t know it.
Take Phil Mercer, for example, what dark secret from his past changes a decent man, and respected professional into a man with murder on his mind?
Down to earth Northerner, Phil Mercer, begins to question why so-called university friends failed to help him establish a practice at London’s Criminal Bar.
Despite that and colleagues’ professional jealousy, he goes on to achieve success as a fearless defender of society’s less fortunate until his career is threatened by events triggered by something completely out of his control.
Figuring his life and career are about to change forever, Mercer strives to find a way to right wrongs by inventing a new parlour game called ‘Comfort Zone.’
At a dinner party surrounded by colleagues he insists they all play the game. He introduces it after dinner as a ‘storytelling game.’
He adds – “the easy choice is not an option at all. What terrifies you? What scares you shitless? Be brave. Be reckless. You are among friends. What can possibly go wrong? It’s just a parlour game, right?”
Get this dark suspense noir crime novella now.
Stephen Bentley is a former UK police Detective Sergeant, pioneering undercover detective, and barrister (trial attorney). He is now a freelance writer and HuffPost UK contributor on undercover policing and mental health issues.
His memoir 'Undercover: Operation Julie - The Inside Story' is a frank account of his undercover detective experiences during Operation Julie - an elite group of detectives who successfully investigated one of the world's largest drugs rings.
Stephen also writes crime fiction in a fast-paced plot-driven style including the Steve Regan Undercover Cop Thriller and the Detective Matt Deal Thriller series. One of his short stories, 'The Rose Slayer,' won the SIA murder mystery competition in 2018, and has now been published in a multi-author anthology of murder mystery short stories, titled 'Death Among Us.'
When he isn't writing, Stephen relaxes on the beaches of the Philippines with his family where he now lives. You may find him on Twitter as @StephenBentley8 or connect with him at where you may get his free thriller - a prequel to the Steve Regan Undercover Cop Thriller series.
Comfort Zone: A Tale of Suspense is available for purchase on Amazon.
Prize One (One winner)
I will make a $15 donation to the winner's choice of a human rights organization, such as the ACLU, Boys and Girls Club, Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, Amnesty International, It Gets Better, Planned Parenthood, or another human rights organization of your choice (food banks, homeless shelters would also apply), perhaps your local chapter or a local organization. This giveaway is open internationally. Note: I will not donate to any organization that does not believe all are equal, regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation.
I hope you will consider having your donation made to one of these organizations fighting on the front lines of the Black Lives Matter movement (click each link to learn more).
Winner's choice of any book title from the bargain books (these are generally used books) section of Better World Books. They ship internationally (priced at $3.98 or less) OR a $3.00 Amazon eGift card.
Giveaway DetailsThis is a readathon participant only giveaway. To be eligible, you must have signed up, participated and added a link to the official readathon wrap-up post (I will give everyone until Friday, November 6th at 11:59 pm EST to complete their wrap-ups). We no longer use a linky for wrap-ups.
There will be a Google form on the readathon wrap-up post where you will enter your info, your wrap-up link, and answer yes/no on whether you want to win a prize or not. We have a total of 7 prizes. This means there will be 7 winners. I will award prizes on a first come, first served basis. I will draw the 7 winners with and email all 7 at the same time. The first person who emails me back with their choice gets that prize. I will mark off the prizes as they are taken. Winners will be chosen after the wrap-up post deadline (see above).