Monday, March 17, 2025

2025 Spring into Horror Readathon - Sign up for spooky reading in April

Since we can't have a second Halloween, we get to have Spring into Horror! I love this event, second only to FrightFall. Plus, April 30 is halfway to Halloween!

We start at 12:00 am eastern time on April 1st and end at 11:59 pm eastern time on April 30th. (There is a handy link to a time zone converter in the sidebar menu.) I hope you're ready to get your scary on! Guidelines for the readathon can be found HERE or you can access in the sidebar menu. Any information you need about our readathons can be found there.

The one main "rule" of Spring into Horror is that you must read at least ONE scary book (which can be a thriller, mystery, Gothic novel, or similar for those who are faint of heart). I hope you will indulge the scary beyond the one book, but that is entirely up to you. It is all about the reading after all.

Giveaways are suspended for now due to financial reasons (though I may bring them back in the future).
There will no longer be a wrap-up deadline since prizes are eliminated...meaning wrap-ups are optional, but it's always nice to see what everyone read. 😁

Our social media hashtag is #SpringHorror
Our social media:
Facebook group
Facebook page
Goodreads group
Discord - this is an invite link. If you're already a member, you should still be able to access the server
(There is a Spring into Horror channel in the Discord channel sidebar).

All links to our social media are also in the sidebar menu.

Some orders of business...
  • We have one 24-Hour readathon during each month-long event. The Spring into Horror 24-Hour event will be on Saturday, April 12th 10:00 am Eastern time. I will be doing most of my updates and check-ins on Discord (invite link to our Discord). Discord is free to join and it would be cool to have some lively chats over there. There will be a post here the day before the 24-Hour event starts. Full details about the 24-Hour readathon events on the Guidelines page.
  • I will post a mid-event check-in here on the blog.
  • Grab the button and spread the word! There’s a grab code in the sidebar or download the image at the top of this post.
Any questions at all? Leave me a comment, or send me a message via the contact me link in the sidebar menu.

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