To wrap up, go to the link for the wrap-up form at the end of this post and fill it out, including a link to your wrap-up (whether it's a blog post, a Goodreads shelf, social media status...anything goes, as long as I can see you did indeed participate). You will also indicate if you want a chance at a prize by selecting yes or no in the form. Be sure to double check that your name is listed in the sign up/starting line linky at this post so you will be eligible for the giveaway. You have until Monday, November 6th at 11:59 pm EST to fill out the form. I will email the winner within a few days following the deadline so keep a look out in your email inbox (or spam folder, just in case) for an email from my truebookaddict gmail account. The prize is listed here on the mid-event check-in page. The form is at the bottom of the post.
The 2023 Yuletide Spirit Reading Challenge & Readathon is coming up this month, November 20 through January 6 (2023), which is co-hosted here at Seasons of Reading and at my Christmas site, Yuletide Spirit. I hope you will join us! Stay tuned for details and sign-up. Check out the button...
That's it! Thanks again for joining in on another readathon!
Also, just a reminder that I pushed the charity prize giveaway to the end of the readathon so if you haven't entered for that yet, be sure to fill the form out here:
(If you would like others to visit your wrap-up post, please leave a comment below with the link to your wrap-up, or you can visit participants via the starting line post linky here.)

I had a very successful frightathon reading 14 scary books! Thanks Michelle!