I have to apologize. lovely readers. I have been quite neglectful with updating and checking in during this readathon. I didn't even post a mid-event check-in! Egads! As you know, I moved house in August (from Tennessee to Michigan) and I'm STILL unpacking and shelving books. I still have a lot to do, but things are finally starting to shape up. So, at least I know I will have my house ready for the holidays. Anyway, I'm sorry!
I also have not been getting much reading done (pout) and the Woman in White read-along is not going so well either. I'm hoping Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon will help me remedy that. Anyone else participating in this cherished biannual event?
Let me know how your FrightFall reading is going and/or share your plans for the 24 Hour Readathon. Just comment below or leave a link to your post in the comments.
Happy scary reading!