Another readathon is at its end. Boy, that went by fast. I guess when you're getting ready to move, the time moves like lightning. At least, that has been my experience so far. A little over a month to go. Just a reminder, I won't be seeing you again until September, as I've had to cancel High Summer in August due to my move, and I'm extending FrightFall to include September AND October. Fun!
Fill out the form below to share your wrap-up link, and indicate if you want a chance at a prize by selecting yes or no. Also, double check that your name is listed in the sign up/starting line linky at this post so you will be eligible for the giveaway. You have until Monday, July 6th at 11:59 pm CDT to complete your wrap-up and to fill out the form. I will email the winners within a few days following the deadline so keep a look out in your email inbox (or spam folder, just in case) for an email from my truebookaddict gmail account. (Prize page is here).