Wednesday, November 23, 2016

#Christmas Spirit Readathon - Prizes! #CSreadathon

We just have a few of prizes for the read-a-thon this time. Check them out below. If you are interested in entering to win a prize, and you have fully particpated in the readathon (including completing a wrap-up post), fill out the Google form below. Full giveaway details can be found below, after the prize descriptions.


A big thanks to Coraline for offering some awesome discounts on her handmade bookmarks for two of our prizes.

First prize: 50% off on her new Creepy Doll bookmark set (5 bookmarks), shipped anywhere for free.

Second prize: 50% off on the Addams family/ Frankenstein coloring bookmarks which is an instant download and printable at home

Aren't they divine!?

CoraL is a French mixed-media artist. She likes to work with ink,soft pastels and watercolors. Her creations speaks to children as well as adults. She is also an eager reader and writer. She now lives in Prague with her family. 

Visit her Etsy shop here:


Prize from your host:
I will make a $15 donation to the winner's choice of a human rights organization, such as the ACLU, Boys and Girls Club, Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, Amnesty International, It Gets Better, Planned Parenthood, or another human rights organization of your choice, perhaps your local chapter or a local organization. This giveaway is open internationally.

Note: Going forward, this is going to be my standard prize for readathons. In this current world situation (I say world because certain recent events do affect the world), I feel I must do what I can to make a difference, even if it's in a small way.

Giveaway Details
This is a read-a-thon participant only giveaway. To be eligible, you must have signed up, participated and added a link to the official read-a-thon wrap-up post (I will give everyone until Wednesday {11/30} at 11:59 pm CST to complete their wrap-ups) AND filled out the Google form below to show your interest in winning. We have a total of 3 prizes. This means there will be 3 winners. I will award prizes on a first come, first served basis. I will draw the 3 winners with and email all 3 at the same time. The first person who emails me back with their choice gets that prize. I will mark off the prizes as they are taken. Winners will be chosen after the wrap-up post deadline (see above). Coraline will provide coupon codes for her prize offerings.


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  1. I've got my wrap up post ready to go. I did a LOT of reading this week with a cat on my lap.

  2. I like your donation idea. It is always good to be able to share with those that
    need it. Great idea!!!
    Carol Smith

  3. Love the donation prize - though the bookmarks are cute, too. We don't need big prizes - we just like to have excuses to read incessantly. If we can help someone along the way, all the better.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'd like the donation please, if someone hasn't gotten it. The Ben Cohen's StandUp Foundation
