Monday, November 21, 2016

#Christmas Spirit Readathon - Kicking off! #CSReadathon

Well, we kicked off a little over 45 minutes ago (in Central time zone). Running behind...I dozed off while watching TV. The cold weather is finally here (Yay!), but it makes me want to nap.

If you're joining us, remember these things:
  • Try to read at least one Christmas is a Christmas read-a-thon, after all. But I won't arrest you if you don't. *wink* 
  • You do not have to have a blog. Join us from Twitter, Facebook or Goodreads...or in our Facebook group
  • The linky below is the same as the sign-up linky so if you've already signed up and now want to link up your reading plans, just add your link and put reading plans in parentheses (ex. Michelle (reading plans) 
  • If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via the contact form, or visit the read-a-thon guidelines page for answers (you will also find out how we do the read-a-thon giveaway) here:
Have fun!
    If you're checking in on social media (Twitter, Instagram, etc.) our hashtag is #CSreadathon

    If you haven't already, why not join us for the Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge, which runs all season long, you can do so at my Christmas blog, Christmas Spirit. Would love to have you! Also, my season long Christmas event kicks off over there on November 25. I'm looking for guests so if you love Christmas and want to be my guest to tell us why (anything goes...favorite movies, books, family memories, traditions), please stop by over there and leave me a message in the contact form. Can you tell Christmas is my favorite time of year? Yup, I love it!!!

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    1. Planning on reading Wishin' and Hopin' by Wally Lamb. I got it last January with the express desire to read it for this year's holiday reading.
