Thursday, September 1, 2022

High Summer Readathon - The End

I hope everyone enjoyed High Summer and that you were able to get a lot of reading in. Thank you all so much for joining me for another readathon!

To wrap up, go to the link for the wrap-up form at the end of this post and fill it out, including a link to your wrap-up (whether it's a blog post, a Goodreads shelf, social media status...anything goes, as long as I can see you did indeed participate). You will also indicate if you want a chance at a prize by selecting yes or no in the form. Be sure to double check that your name is listed in the sign up/starting line linky at this post so you will be eligible for the giveaway. You have until Monday, September 6 at 11:59 pm EDT to fill out the form. I will email the winner within a few days following the deadline so keep a look out in your email inbox (or spam folder, just in case) for an email from my truebookaddict gmail account. The prize is listed here on the mid-event check-in page.

September 1st kicks off Something Wicked Fall! The event post is up at Castle Macabre with all the details here. The highlights...a read-along of Victor LaValle's The Devil in Silver, Gothic and horror reading, movie and book reviews, and more! Of course, all this will go along nicely with FrightFall coming up in October. I'll have sign-ups ready for that soon. In the meantime, check out the readathon button below (will add a grab code in the sidebar shortly).

That's it! Thanks again for joining in on another readathon!

Wrap-up form:

(If you would like others to visit your wrap-up post, please leave a comment below with the link to your wrap-up, or you can visit participants via the starting line post linky here.)


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  1. Commenting at Castle Macabre is inexplicably not working for me.
    I'll be rereading The Devil in Silver (Victor Lavalle always rocks), reading Classic and New Gothic, and viewing Spooky TV and films. All Hail Samhain! And Spooky Season!

    1. Hmmm...I wonder why you weren't able to comment over there? That's going to be an issue, as main participation in the event is via commenting (though there will be a thread in our Seasons of Reading Goodreads group). Glad to have you participating again this year!

  2. Thanks, I tried in 2 browsers and at 2 different times in Chrome. Never had that problem before.

    1. Hey, I read some help topics online and someone said the pop-up window commenting solved the problem. Can you try again and see if it works? If it works, I'm going to switch to that format for all my blogs. Yours isn't the first issue. I've heard from other people, but on this blog, not Castle Macabre.

  3. I allowed all pop-ups on Chrome, but I still couldn't comment.😬

    1. Man, what a pain! Have you tried accessing from an incognito window? That was another thing someone suggested. Trying to decide if I should change my commenting to Disqus. Do you have any trouble commenting on blogs/sites that use it?

  4. I don't think I am on any sites that do (or I'm not aware). I comment just fine here.:) I'll try going incognito.
