Sunday, January 20, 2019

#WintersRespite #Readathon - Mid-Event Check-In

I'm sorry I am SO late with this! I got the prize page up, but this post...I completely forgot! Guess my memory hasn't improved much in the new year. lol

Hope everyone's reading is going well. I've been checking in at the Facebook group and the Goodreads group and you guys are really rocking it. Just remember. It's all about the reading so have fun and enjoy it, however much or little you read. Getting any reading done is an accomplishment.

Share your progress in the comments, or the link to an update post.

In case you missed it, Readeropolis is hosting a readathon participant giveaway. Check it out here.

Also, the prize page is live here.

Enjoy the rest of the readathon! Anyone else doing #24in48 next weekend?


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1 comment:

  1. Here's my progress post:

    Doing pretty well, but hoping to read a bit more next week. Thanks for hosting. :)
