Monday, September 3, 2018

#SomethingWickedFall 48 Hour Kick-Off #Readathon - It's a wrap!

I can't believe how fast the 48 hours went by! I was bummed, but then I remember Elyse's readathon is still going on through tomorrow. Yay!

How did you do? Whether you read a lot, or not, don't despair because you know FrightFall is coming up in October and we're having 48 hour pre and post readathons for that as well. Stay tuned for all the details and sign-ups coming soon.

Meanwhile, the Something Wicked Fall event is still going on at Castle Macabre through October's end. In September, we're reading Gothic short stories. Read any spooky stories, with a Gothic theme, you like. I will have a master post up over there for people to share their reads in the comments (this will be up tomorrow). We are also going to be having a watch-along of the movie Hereditary within the next couple of weeks...and will probably watch a couple more. Frances had the excellent idea to watch Something Wicked This Way Comes since we will be doing a read-along of Bradbury's book in October. That watch-along will most likely be at the end of the month, after we've finished the book. Get all the details for the scary Fall events at this post at Castle Macabre.

Thanks for joining in this weekend! Hope your scary (or not) Fall reading is off to a great start!

Note: If you add a wrap-up to the linky, this is the same linky so include the words "wrap-up" or "wu" with your name/blog in the linky. Thanks!

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  1. I read 2 horror books and 230 pages! Pretty good since I was pretty busy this weekend! I also listened to about 4 hours of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. :)

  2. Yes, it went by way too quickly! Still reading though, since we have a holiday here today.
