Wednesday, August 1, 2018

High Summer #Readathon - Wrap it up! #HSreadathon

Oh my, but the months are flying by! Summer is halfway over, and it's pretty much all over for me, as my sons go back to school next Tuesday! And look at us...we have another readathon under our belts.

I hope everyone enjoyed High Summer and that you were able to get a lot of reading in. We also had our four day Christmas in July Readathon at the end. I hope those of you who read Christmas-y titles felt a little bit of the spirit, as I did. Thank you all so much for joining me for another readathon!

Remember, our process has changed for wrap-ups. No more linky for wrap-up posts. Fill out the form below and indicate if you want a chance at a prize by selecting yes or no. Also, double check that your name is listed in the sign up/starting line linky at this post so you will be eligible for the giveaway. You have until Monday, August 6 at 11:59 pm CDT to fill out the form. I will email the winners within a few days following the deadline so keep a look out in your email inbox (or spam folder, just in case) for an email from my truebookaddict gmail account. (Prize page is here)

Looking forward, of course we have the month long FrightFall Readathon in October, but I'm also working on adding some extra fun (since we do love our scary...a good bit of us anyway). Every year I host two events at my horror blog, Castle Macabre. Gothic September and Season of the Witch in October. Well, the wheels are turning and I'm trying to come up with an all encompassing event that will take Castle Macabre and Seasons of Reading through a spooky autumn. Stay tuned!

Once again, thank you for joining me and I hope to see you next time.

(If you would like others to visit your wrap-up post, please leave a comment below with the link to your wrap-up, or you can visit participants via the starting line post linky here.)


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  1. I did get more reading in than expected! 10 for me! yay!

  2. I broke my record. 16 books!! Thanks so much for hosting, and I'm definitely looking forward to your Gothic September and FrightFall.

  3. Thanks for hosting. Got in more than
    I thought I would but not my normal amount.
    Will be making a donation the St Jude’s Children Hospital
    for this Read-a-Thon.
    Carol Smith
