Thursday, October 6, 2016

#FrightFall Read-a-Thon - Midweek Check-In

So, we are at mid-week. Where did the time go!? I hope everyone is getting some good (scary) reading in. My week of reading did not start off well, but I'm going to try to really dig in the rest of the read-a-thon. I have some really great scary ones going. I will be posting in the Facebook group tonight.

Speaking of our Facebook group, it is awesomely active so if you haven't joined yet, be sure to. We interact pretty regularly, even when a read-a-thon isn't going on. :-)

If you are doing daily updates on your blog, or have done a mid-week update post, feel free to leave your link in the comments...or just let me know how things are going. I promise I plan to make the rounds today/tonight. 

I have created a new group on Facebook for book bloggers to post about reading events/challenges they are/will be hosting. Check it out and join here: Sleep Less, Read More


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  1. Facebook has locked me out of my account because my blog page is set up under the name of my blog and not under a "real name" :(

    Anyway, I'm almost halfway through my audiobook: "Dearly, Departed". Steampunk isn't usually my thing, but I am thinking I am enjoying it because of the zombies!

    Oblivion has been a bit disappointing. I devoured the first two books in the trilogy, so I thought I'd enjoy it much more than I actually am. I attribute part of that to the delay between the second and third books, which was three years. I like the Poe ties to the story, but it just didn't hook me the way the first two books did. I probably won't finish it by the end of the read-a-thon because I want to set it aside to start on 'Salem's Lot!

    1. I read Dearly Departed for the readathon as well!! I really liked it :)

  2. Just posted an update video!

  3. I finished A head Full of Ghosts, but it left me with a bit of a book hangover. I should be back on track today with A Vampire Quintet.

    1. I still need to read that. Not good...or just disturbing?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It's pretty good, although there was an aspect that left me a bit annoyed (I might be the only one, your mileage may vary).

  4. I have completed, "The Scattered and The Dead," and, "The Spot on The Wall". I started "Dragonfly".
    This is another fun read-a-thon that I picked out way too many books for. Lol. I figure I can just keep my book on the shelf ready for next years, (if I don't get to them before then).
    Thanks for another great time Michelle!
