Thursday, October 8, 2015

#FrightFall Read-a-Thon: Mid-Week Check-In

Hi everyone! I am sadly behind on visiting blogs and I apologize. My week has been a mess. My reading is also suffering, of course. 

So, we are at mid-week. Where did the time go!? Our Facebook group has really been a success and I've been checking in there often, but I need to also check-in on Twitter. I hope everyone is getting some good (scary) reading in. 

If you are doing daily updates on your blog, or have done a mid-week update post, feel free to leave your link in the comments...or just let me know how things are going. I promise I plan to make the rounds today/tonight. 

Also, Erin at Oh, For the Hook of a Book will be adding a giveaway to her blog on Friday so be sure to stop by. I'll share the official link on Twitter and in the Facebook group (and on the prize page) when it goes live officially. 

Happy reading!


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  1. I just posted about Bellman & Black today, actually. :)

  2. I just have the master post:

    I also have a bunch of reviews to write! My desk is invisible under all these books!

  3. Here is my midweek check in:
    I haven't finished anything, but I have been creeped out by my books! :)

  4. I have tried to post daily so won't bug you with a bunch of links. Am working on my wrap up past now. Have sadly negl;ected Fb, twitter and other thngs this week.
