Monday, April 22, 2013

Spring into Horror Read-a-Thon: Starting Line #SpringHorrorRAT

Welcome to the starting line! Be sure to sign in here, at the beginning, or when you start reading this week. Remember, you do not have to have a blog to join us. You can sign in linking to Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads...wherever you will be updating from. And you don't have to start at the beginning. Start on any day this week, or if you're working all week, join us for the weekend. People can sign in up until Friday night at 11:59pm CST. I'll be stopping by and visiting you so I hope you will have your book piles/reading lists posted. Make sure at least one book is a scary one. Also, a reminder that I allow children's books for those of you who have kids...with one condition...five picture books equal one novel. Sound fair? Middle grade novels can count as one book.

Join us on Twitter using the hashtag #SpringHorrorRAT. We are going to have four Twitter chats this week. I tried to have a good variance of time. Hope one of the slots will work for everyone. Here's the Twitter chat schedule:

Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:30pm CST
Friday from 7:00 to 8:00pm CST
Saturday from 8:00 to 9:00pm CST 
Sunday from 1:00 to 2:00pm CST

I will be checking in on Twitter on and off throughout the week too. Just remember to have fun this week. Again, my read-a-thon credo is "a week of relaxed reading during which we can personally challenge ourselves and whittle away those ever looming TBR piles/shelves/libraries." I have done away with mini-challenges so we can focus more on the reading, but please do stop by and visit your fellow read-a-thon-ers if you get a chance...and again, we will also be on Twitter for social interaction.  

I will have the prize page posted during the day on Monday so come back here to find it.  I will also have easy access links at the top of the blog.  Pam at Midnyte Reader will also be hosting a giveaway at her blog. I will provide the link below when her giveaway is live.

Midnyte Reader Giveaway  LIVE NOW!

Okay, I think that's about it. I hope you all have fun this week. If you have any questions, please leave me a comment below. I will be posting my updates at my blog, The True Book Addict, so stop by and visit me. Happy Reading!


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  1. Happy reading everyone :) I'll probably start reading later today :)

  2. I look forward to diving into Interview With a Vampire. I read a little already and it definitely had my interest. Let's hope the rest is as easy to read! Happy reading to you all. I gotta pick up the book from the library and will start after dinner.

  3. Yay! I'm working today, so I'll be listening on the commute and hoping to get some reading in at bedtime!

    Have fun, everyone!

  4. Happy Reading to all! Have fun!

  5. This sounds like fun! I'm going to be reading two books: "The Oxford Book of Victorian Ghost Stories" and "The Vampire Archives".

  6. Thanks for hosting! I am only 40 pages into Trails In The Sand, my "mystery" read, and I need to go lock myself away so I can focus and finish! Best of luck to everyone... I can't wait to see what everyone is reading...

    I've been so immersed in books, that I don't remember if I made it to Cat Thursday last week!

  7. Thanks for hosting again! Yay Horror!

  8. I'm in! I won't have a post up until Friday, but I'm reading Gone Girl.
