Saturday, January 15, 2022

Winter's Respite Readathon 2022 - Time to sign up!

Finally! Sign up is here. I don't know about you, but recuperating from the holiday season is serious business. lol  This is our second year since the move to February. I actually feel it's a better fit, as February is the height of winter for many of us (in the U.S. anyway). 

We start at 12:00 am on February 1 and end at 11:59 pm on February 28. Times are set for the eastern time zone so adjust your times accordingly (you can use the link to the time zone converter in the sidebar menu). Of course, like most readathons, the books read must be novels or novellas, adult or young adult are fine, and you can read children's books (as long as you do read some novels too). Note: Non-Fiction is also okay! You DO NOT have to participate the entire month. Join in when you can, start in the middle, end early...whatever works best for your schedule. As with all of my readathons, it will be an event of relaxed reading during which we can personally challenge ourselves and whittle away those ever looming TBR piles/shelves/libraries.

Guidelines for the readathon can be found HERE or you can access in the sidebar menu. Any information you need about the readathon can be found there. Please do be sure to check the guidelines to make sure you're following along correctly. There are specific rules regarding signing up and wrapping up, especially in regards to the giveaway. We no longer use a wrap-up linky and we are now just using the Google form for wrap-ups (since I require your wrap-up link there anyway). That way you don't have to do two steps at the end of the readathon. The wrap-up Google form will be on the wrap-up post instead of the prize page. I will have a yes/no so you can let me know if you're opting out of winning a prize. (If you want to visit people who participated, you can do so via the sign-up/starting line linky. I will have a link to it on the wrap-up post).

Three orders of business...
  • I am looking for prize donations so if anyone would like to contribute, let me know. Authors, this is a great way to promote your book! Contact me via the contact form in the menu. If you know of an author who might be interested, pass along a message. Thanks!
  • Every readathon, I offer a charity donation prize (to a social justice charity) to one winner. This prize is awarded at the beginning of the readathon. Details on how it works are on the guidelines page. I will also be offering another small prize. Hopefully, I will get some prize donations (see above). If I do, I will post the prize page during the first week of the event.
  • I have created a Discord server for Seasons of Reading...sort of an experiment away from Slack, which I feel is too business-y for our purposes. You can pop in and chat during our events at any time, or even outside of events. We will also chat there during our horror movie watch-alongs (more on that below). We will not be doing live chats, just typing in the text channels. I will create a Winter's Respite channel as well. Here's the invite link:
Our social media hashtag is #WintersRespite
We have our outstanding Facebook group and we now have a Facebook Page, and don't forget our Goodreads group and our Instagram. (There are also access tabs in the sidebar menu.)

Grab the button and spread the word! Grab the code in sidebar or download the image at the top of this post.

Any questions at all? Leave me a comment, or send me a message via the contact me link in the sidebar menu.

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  1. Now, if as usual, I can remember to come back and update.

  2. Seems literally like we just finished Christmas Spirit yesterday:)

  3. This winter already seems sooooo looooong and it’s only mid January. Books, take me away from it!


  4. Hmm maybe comfy cozy books? Thanks Michelle!

  5. I still have never understood how to do your readathons. I can’t find on Goodreads where to add a shelf for the readathon like I used to be able to add a shelf. How will you know which books are the ones I’m reading for the readathon?

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Adeva, I have comment moderation on so I have to approve the comments before they are published.
      What most people do (if you're using Goodreads) is update in our group on Goodreads (link is in sidebar menu) and/or create a shelf in your own Goodreads "my books" titled Winter's Respite. You can either add the link to the shelf you created in the linky, or add the link to your post in our Goodreads group. To do that, click the time stamp on your post in the group and then copy the link in the address bar.
      I hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions and I will do my best to help.
