Saturday, September 19, 2015

#FrightFall Read-a-Thon - Sign Up Here!

Fall is here (almost) and you know what that means! FrightFall is just around the corner. It's only two weeks away! Official dates are October 5 - 11. I hope you're ready to get your scary on! Guidelines for the read-a-thon can be found HERE or you can access in the tab at the top of the blog. Any information you need about the read-a-thon can be found there. Please do be sure to check the guidelines to make sure you're following along correctly. There are specific rules regarding signing up and wrapping up, especially in regards to the giveaway. Also, regarding the giveaway, I'm adding something new to facilitate my contacting of the winners each time. I will add a Google form to capture names and email addresses so if you're interested in winning a prize (and you've met the sign up and wrap up criteria), I will ask you to fill in that form.

Just remember...the one main "rule" of FrightFall is that you must read ONE scary book (which can be a thriller, mystery, Gothic novel, or similar for those who are faint of heart). 

Our Twitter hashtag is #FrightFall. AND I have big news! We now have a Facebook group! So, I'm thinking we will do away with Twitter chats and just interact periodically on Twitter and Facebook. I thought the group was a good idea for interaction, news and events announcement, plus anyone who doesn't have a blog can post their updates in the group. The new Facebook group is here.

Sign up in the linky below. Be sure to grab the button at the top of this post (there's also a grab code below the button in the sidebar). 
I am looking for prize donations so if anyone would like to contribute, let me know. Authors, this is a great way to promote your book! Contact me via the contact form link just below the header.

Thanks for signing up!

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  1. Will be signing up for this. Looks like fun!

  2. Planning on some semi-scary fairy tale reads, starting with Tanith Lee's White as Snow. Thanks for the tip on Lit Collective poll.

  3. I'm back! *happy dances* Been a while since I've done a read-a-thon, so I'm excited! I have already signed up, but it isn't showing up for me. Let me know if it didn't work!

    1. You're showing up for me, Lindsey! Glad to have you back. :)

  4. Looking forward to Frighfall reading!!
    Carol Smith
    penelope223(at) yahoo(dot)com

  5. I have not done a read-a-thon this year and this is my favorite season. I even get to be lucky (spooky) number 13

  6. All signed up! With a proper ghost book!

  7. I've got a new book about Mary Shelley that I'm hoping to get read during the readathon.

  8. I think I signed up correctly this time or at least I hope. I re-read the rules to make sure I did it correctly. If anything needs to be re-done for me please let me know.

    Thank you can't wait to start it.

  9. Hey Michelle, thanks so much for hosting again. You're read-a-thons are the best.
    Signed up and my TBR is already piled up in my living room :) So excited! Have a great weekend!

  10. Hi Michelle! Thanks for the invite. I just downloaded my first thriller for the read-a-thon!

  11. I joined adding a link to the instagram regram I did a week or so ago. I haven't had time to post a sign-up on my blog.

    I think I actually might, finally, have some reading time this week. I haven't been reading nearly what I normally do for months now, so I am hopeful for this week.

  12. I'm trying to sign up but I don't have a URL

  13. WOW!!! awesome post, nice things to follow, thank you very much for this great piece of work!!!
